Friday, December 25, 2009

The Human Shield

This week I was able to attend the Yamato/Zama Military Branch Christmas party. The Yamato branch was in charge of the program and we handled the food. Even Santa made an appearance there. Fun was had by all.

Christy and I couldn't resist getting a snapshot with the Jolly Old Man.
I had four of my English students come and enjoy the show. They had never been to church before and learned a lot. It was so much fun to see someone experience the real meaning of Christmas for the first time.

Here is the Yamato Ward choir singing Oh Holy Night. It's one of my favorite Christmas songs, and I especially enjoyed hearing it in Japanese.

The highlight of the night is always watching the Japanese people duke it out at the buffet table. They are all order and submissiveness until they smell/see the food. I actually had to use my massive (in comparison to them) body to create a shield my students so they wouldn't be trampled.


Sommer Family said...

I have to admit, the combined Christmas party is one get together I didn't miss this year! Only you could actually make it look fun!

Jessica said...

Oh man, people do go crazy when it comes to food! Mormon peeps go NUTSO about food, espeicaly free food. It's insane.