Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sound Off

I hate speakerphones! They are so offensive that I need to write a blog about them. I never realized how much until I got to Strathroy and watched my mom use and abuse them live and in person. I should have smashed it before I left to catch my flight to Japan.

The problem with speakerphone is that usually only one person in the conversation is using it. That offender is walking around, watching TV (which you can always hear in the background), not really listening to the conversation (they are constantly asking you to "repeat it" or "say it again") and have no time constraints because they can do a million of things while you are chatting.

The person they called (me!) usually ends up in a super long conversation (basically talking to myself) that goes on forever, and getting "updates" on what's happening in whatever show is conveniently playing in the background.

My mom is so out of control with the speakerphone that she actually barged into the bathroom while I was peeing so that I could take a phone call. Clearly I was busy. Normal people -- without a speakerphone addiction -- would have apologized and left. My mom turned the phone on speaker and left it on the counter in the bathroom so I could start my conversation.

HECK NO! Never EVER again.

I know tons of people other than my mom who could use speakerphone addiction group therapy. I'd be willing to pay for it. Let it be known.


Aunt Libby said...

My sentiments exactly!!! I hate speaker phones. If you are on the phone with me, then give me your undivided attention plus my conversations do not need to be heard by all. I called you not them. If someone else wants to speak with me in the same household, fine and at least I am aware of it. I deserve that respect.

Aunt Kim said...

I agree with you. Unless you are driving or maybe nursing a baby I don't think speaker phone is necessary. People using speaker phone are free to go about their normal day activities and gab while the other person is usually trapped on the other end of the line for a very long period of time. Great piece.