Sunday, August 02, 2009

My Island

The age old question: If you were stuck on a desert island, what five people would you like with you and why? All family and friends are disqualified. You get rescued after five years. Time would stop in the real world I wouldn't have to miss a single giggle from the Abigator. My island has Facebook, so we can all keep in touch :)

I would bring:

Bobby Flay -- The man knows how to BBQ. I won't have to worry about starving.

Dave Matthews -- He makes great music, even if I have no idea what he is saying half the time. I would also like to know more about South Africa and he's got the inside scoop.

Sawyer from Lost -- I'm sure he's an island expert by now. I'd also be curious to see what kind of nickname he'd give me.

Thomas Friedman -- Thomas makes me totally happy. We'd have tons of great debates. He'd know where we were on the map.

Josh from The West Wing -- What can I say? Love him.



Crystal said...

Lemon Lyman writes: back off, he's on my island!

I'd take my West Wing and Veronica Mars dvds so I'd never be bored. My laptop...because how will I know how to start a fire without wikipedia? Sunscreen. You know how I feel about skin cancer. A pallet of oreo truffles and the Twilight series. What else would I use for kindling in that fire?* XD

*this commenter does not actually support the banning of books, no matter how bad they are.

Sommer Family said...

Ben and Jerry - what is an island without ice cream!

Dean Kalin - renown vocal coach and amazing pianist. I'd sing myself horse!

Jeffry R. Holland - He is so knowledgable and approachable. I think I could ask him questions and listen to his answers for years.

Thomas Friedman - I'm coping Denise. I would love to understand the middle east better, and I like Friedman's perspective.