Sunday, August 02, 2009

I am Inkheart

I love getting a new book, hearing the spine crack and feeling the binding relax as I turn the pages. I like writing things that inspire me in the margins and underlining words I don't know to look up later. I enjoy the fresh, crisp, inky smell that wafes off the pages.

I love going to the library and running my hands along the stacks of novels. I usually go with a list of books I want, but always grab a few random reads that look interesting. I like old libraray books that smell musty and have worn, dog-earred pages. Admittedly, I still pencil thoughts in the margins and underline words, but always make sure to transfer the information to my Goodreads account and erase out my doodlings before I return it.

One of my favorite childhood memories is getting my monthly Scholastic book magazine. My parents always let me get a three-pack of books. The day my order arrived, I would stay up as late as I could reading by flashlight in my bed.

Both Jeremy and I are speed readers. I really consider this one of my favorite blessings. I just wish I was given the talent to remember what I read. I am so happy we both value books and want a huge library. We love our Easton Press books, even though they break the bank. We also seriously dig magazines.

I love all genres of books, with the excecption of Sci-fi. I am a big fan of recommendations. I live for bookclubs.

Here is a sample of books I have read in the past three months:

Very Valentine
Mistaken Identity
Handle with Care
The Bounty
A Lion Called Christian
A Gathering of Old Men
The Tipping Point
The Celestine Prophecy
IN Praise of Stay at Home Moms
Prairie Tales
James and the Giant Peach
George's Marvelous Medicine

And I'm just about to crawl under my covers and begin Columbine.

So where is this all going? Why am I writing a lame blog about books?

I was telling Jeremy that I can't wait to volunteer in Abby's school library and spending my day reading to children. That lead us into researching what it takes to be a librarian and what opportunities there were.

One job looked awesome: Outreach Librarians are charged with providing library and information services for underrepresented groups, such as people with disabilities, low income neighborhoods, homebound adults and seniors, incarcerated and ex-offenders, and homeless and rural communities. In academic libraries, outreach librarians might focus on high school students, transfer students, first-generation college students, and minorities.

Wouldn't that be an awesome job!


Jessica said...

I used to love books, once, and this post makes me feel like a mega schmuck for not having ONE book to list as 'read' in the past three months. Oh well. You inspire me.

Eden said...

Can I recommend "the Book Thief" by Marcus Zusak? I think you'll love it--I did--LOVED IT!

Sommer Family said...

Perfect descriptions. I think it is time to do a little less reading and a little more writing. You have a gift, and the rest of us want you to shar it! Remind me to bounce my theory of speed reading off you sometime.