Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oreo Truffles

Josh was BBQing for dinner so I offered to bring dessert. I decided on my friend Crystal's amazing oreo truffles. I try not to let Abby eat junk food but today was a huge exception. I had to keep her on the counter so I could get the desserts done quickly. Letting her sample the goods was the key. Clearly, they were a hit!


Crystal said...

I should have warned you never to give truffles to kids! It's like gremlins and water! Ainsley can smell truffles. It's like crack to her. I can get her to do anything by offering a truffle. Did yours turn out pretty? Mine are never pretty.

Being Ausmus said...


Jeremy said...

I go away and you start making oreo truffles! There better be at least one there when I get home!

Jena said...

I love oreo truffles. Did you know you can do the same thing with cake? You just make a cake then mix it with frosting instead of cream cheese, form it into balls, let it set in the fridge, then dip it in chocolate. I like to throw some sprinkles on top. Very delicious.

Aunt Kim said...

Lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

It's not baking until you lick the beater! Mom used to let me do that. Wait... STILL DOES! haha. You moms are the BEST :D