Sunday, August 02, 2009

Not So Sexy!

My neighbor caught me "Bringing Sexy Back" yesterday.

Kristen is now 32 weeks pregnant, but still thinks she can do her own yard work. After watching her weed for two days (I did as much weeding in her garden as I could before she came back), I offered to mow and rake her yard. It's the tender neighborly thing to do.

On my Ipod came the delightfully catchy tune "I'm Bringing Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake. I love it. One can't help but sing along out loud. I know I did.

At this point I thought it would be funny to pretend to kiss the rake and dance around the pole while singing the song loudly for the pure amusement of Kristen. We both were laughing hysterically until we turned around and saw our new neighbor had stopped mowing his lawn and was staring with his mouth open.

I redefined shock and awe.

Does this mean I failed at bringing sexy back? Perhaps I'm too old.

Glad I'm moving soon.....


Aunt Libby said...

LOL. I wish that someone had videotaped you. What a keepsake!!!

chucknorris said...

HAHAHA he's just a lame-o who doesn't know fun when he sees it!! at least you made his life more surreal.