Friday, December 01, 2006

10/7 – Goodbye Kenya!

Getting up today was very hard. We didn’t get much sleep and I was a tad bit cranky. We were able to pull it together long enough to get into the city for the last minute details of the party.

Excitement was in the air as we loaded up the supplies and brought them over to the village. We hurried around getting the posters up, dinner ready and the gift bags packed. Before we knew it the villagers in the slum were out in full force and ready for some fun. Luckily the church was kind enough to let us hold the party inside. The children lined up to get their gift packages, and then we said a prayer and everyone was fed. Then the children preformed songs and danced to thank us for the new school. Before the party was done we were able to get all the children together for a few photos.

Lucy gave a very powerful prayer of thanks for our work in getting the school accomplished, and for everyone who donated. The villagers were very happy and more than a few shouted out amen. It was inspirational and touching. I’ll never forget their giggles and smiles as they opened their backpacks and saw all the books, school supplies and uniforms inside. They toured the new school and saw all the posters and desks. They were awe struck, and so grateful. One child even got so excited that he wasn’t able to keep his lunch down.

Although I enjoyed the party I dreaded leaving Kenya. I had to go right from the party to the airport. Lucy pulled me aside to let me know that the taxi had arrived and I was to get my belongings and take off. I managed to hold it together when I said goodbye to Gerald and Lucy; however, I bawled like a baby when I had gave my final hugs to Sally and Tara. I couldn’t have asked for better friends here.

The cab ride was long but my driver was very nice. He owns his own micro-finance company for Christians and told me some pretty impressive stories of lives they have touched here. It’s good to see local Kenyans helping each other.

After getting lost in the airport, and crying through check in, I got on Emirates Air – my favorite airline ever – to go home. When the plane lifted off my journey was over. It’s crazy to think I spent a year preparing for this adventure and now it was over. Don’t worry, Kenya; I’ll be back soon! P.S. – I miss you already!

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