Monday, December 11, 2006

12/08-12/10 – Let it Shine

Jeremy and I spent Friday night in the Tokyo temple. Real estate in Japan is off-the-wall pricy so the Toyko temple was one of the most expensive temples the church has ever built. It’s really tall and not very wide for this reason. Inside and out it is exquisite.

There’s not a lot I can say about the experience but here is a few tidbits I can.

The lobby has an amazing picture of Mount Fuji and cherry blossom trees. I wanted to rip it off the wall and take it home. They also have the most gorgeous Japanese vases scattered around.

People here are really tiny and I don’t think they have very many in-between sizes. So when I had to borrow a dress they gave me one that clearly maternity and absolutely five sizes bigger than necessary. If I wasn’t in the temple……

Jeremy went to change and I couldn’t find him. We all met up and got ready to start but he still wasn’t there. I didn’t want to start without him so I was quite panicked. I was pleading with them in English to let me out while they were firmly pushing me forward so they could start. Right at that moment he sailed in and took his seat. It turns out he wanted to do the session in Mandarin and had rushed off to get a headset. So he looked smart and I looked psycho. Boo hiss.

The ride home through Toyko at night was awesome. Tokyo literally shines. It’s so bright and beautiful; it puts Times Square to shame. It’s also a huge sensory overload. If I was driving I would be all over the road turning my head from side to side. I’d take a picture but I doubt it would do it justice.

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